Board of Executives

The BoE is made up of the Enablement (legal representation of the association) and the Support (department management). It meets regularly to discuss current developments in the association, debate ideas and make decisions. The BoE thus provides the necessary framework so that our projects can concentrate on strategic planning and operational progress.

Team Leader

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The team management coordinates the entire association. The strategic direction of the association and the objectives for the operational business play a particularly important role. At the monthly team meeting, she ensures that everything runs smoothly and according to plan. Furthermore, the team leader maintains our network of business and university advisors, as well as our alumni.


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Operations is responsible for the planning, management and control of internal workflows. Regular meetings with the project managers ensure a structured approach and overcome challenges that cannot be overcome within the project. Operations is also responsible for bundling and passing on information to other departments.


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The Finance Department is responsible for all financial matters of the association. The administration of accounts, the processing of tax matters and the recording of finances are the core tasks of the department. It is also responsible for monitoring compliance with the non-profit status of the association.

Information Technology

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The IT department, under the leadership of Muhammad Yaseen, is responsible for maintaining the technical infrastructure of the association. This includes onboarding new members into the shared SharePoint and providing support for any technical issues that arise. Additionally, projects receive assistance in overcoming challenges through the development of their own apps and websites. Furthermore, the department regularly offers IT workshops for Enactees in the area to strengthen their technical skills and prepare them for the digital world.


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The Marketing Department is responsible for the association's public relations work. This primarily includes designing the website and publishing the internal newsletter for our advisors. Projects are supported with marketing-related challenges.

Human Ressources

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The HR department recruits new members for the association and assigns them to projects according to their personal strengths and interests. Internal and external events, such as team meetings, parties or small game evenings, are organized here. If you would like to join Enactus Ruhr-Universität Bochum.


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The Sponsoring Department is responsible for making contact with sponsors. The acquisition of financial resources and material assets is important for the association and young projects in particular. By actively finding partners, raising capital and helping with pitches, the department proves to be an important point of contact for projects and interested sponsors.


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Die Rechtsabteilung unter der Leitung von Berkay unterstützt sowohl die Projekte als auch den gesamten Verein in rechtlichen Fragen. Zu den besonderen Aufgaben gehören die Ausarbeitung von Vertragsvorlagen sowie die Anpassung und Einhaltung der Satzung und Geschäftsordnung der Vereinigung. Darüber hinaus verwaltet die Abteilung unser Netzwerk von Rechtsberatern, um sicherzustellen, dass wir stets über kompetente Rechtsberatung verfügen.

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